OGIBiz Website

Main Description


Main Description

THE PETSHOP has created this Privacy Policy to record and explain our commitment to privacy and as an agreement with our customers and with other third parties about our data-handling. This policy lists the types of potentially private data https://thepetshop.ogibiz.com/ collects, explains how we use and protect that data, and discloses our key procedures surrounding privacy.

This Privacy Policy applies to THE PETSHOP services (collectively, the “Service”) and to its website: https://thepetshop.ogibiz.com/

It forms part of a larger agreement between EPS PERSOPOLI  and its customers, website visitors, and other users, consisting of the Terms of Service provided at the Terms & Conditions page, as well as the other documents referenced in the Terms of Service. Your use of the Service and of THE PETSHOP ’s website is voluntary. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, you should not provide us with any personal information, and you should leave the ''THE PETSHOP'' website. By using our website or the Service, you signify that you agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting a new version here (with a new Effective Date at the top), and the new version will become effective immediately.

The privacy of THE PETSHOP ’s customers and affiliates is important to us. Therefore:

  • THE PETSHOP does not sell or rent personally identifiable information.
  • THE PETSHOP does not spam, and its policies forbid use of the Service for spam.
  • THE PETSHOP policy requires that all company employees sign a confidentiality agreement.

The confidentiality agreement includes the following affirmation:
I recognize that the Company has received and in the future will receive from third parties their confidential or proprietary information subject to a duty on the Company’s part to maintain the confidentiality of such information and to use it only for certain limited purposes. I agree to hold all such confidential or proprietary information in the strictest confidence and not to disclose it to any person, firm or corporation or to use it except as necessary in carrying out my work for the Company consistent with the Company’s agreement with such third party.

Data THE PETSHOP  Collects

  1. THE PETSHOP  collects and uses data from our customers and from visitors to our websites as follows:
    Visitor Number Tracking: THE PETSHOP tracks the number of visitors to https://thepetshop.ogibiz.com/website, as well as the pages they visit within the sites and the hyper-links they use (if any) to leave. This doesn’t involve collection of any personally identifiable information. We use this information to analyze interest in and usage of the website and the Service.
  • Data Provided Through Inquiry Forms:Website visitors interested in the Service can fill out a sales inquiry form at the site. Those forms request company name, individual name, title, address, telephone number(s), and email address(es). THE PETSHOP uses this information to contact the potential customer. We also use the information to generate statistics regarding interest in the Service. We might share these statistics with third parties, but they don’t include any personally identifiable information.
  • Shopping Cart and Portal Cookies: THE PETSHOP ’s computer network uses cookies to recognize visitors who use a shopping cart at THE PETSHOP ’s website. Our network also uses cookies to recognize customers who use the customer portal at THE PETSHOP ’s website. The cookies facilitate easy use of the shopping carts and the portal, as well as visitor number tracking, as explained in the first bullet above. Finally, we may in some cases use information generated through cookies to facilitate communications with visitors and customers (including sales calls). Our cookies have no other purpose.
  • Customer Account Information:When customers sign up for the Service, and during their Service relationship, we collect some or all of the following: company name, individual name, title, address, telephone number(s), email address(es), credit card number. We also record and retain most written communications with customers, including trouble tickets, support requests, and payment history. THE PETSHOP  uses this information for customer support. We also use contact information to send customers Service-related announcements, including newsletters and notices of new Service features and related products and services provided by EPS PERSOPOLI  partners. Customers can opt out of new product/service notices by sending an email to thepetshoplimassol@gmail.com , or by following the unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of any one of the email notices. Finally, we generate statistical information regarding our customer-base and use it to analyze our business. We might share this statistical information with third parties, but it doesn’t include any personally identifiable information.
  • In all areas of the site where cardholder’s personal and credit card details, will be handled secure to ensure confidentiality and SSL encryption will be used to ensure sensitive data protection.
  1. THE PETSHOP also sometimes:
  • Tracks the IP addresses of computers communicating (via e-mail or any other mechanism) with our customers’ systems and
  • Inspects data packets (“deep packet inspection” or “DPI”) solely for the purpose of trending and archiving specific threat types. Data described in the preceding sentence may include personally identifiable information. THE PETSHOP  uses this data solely to maintain the security of the Service.

Use of Personally Identifiable Information

  1. THE PETSHOP doesn’t share personally identifiable information under any circumstances, except as provided in paragraph B below and except:
  • As requested by law enforcement agencies or required by law
  • To maintain the security of the Service and of THE PETSHOP ’s own network and data, including by assisting third party claimants in investigating security breaches
  • To collect money owed to THE PETSHOP, including through legal proceedings, and
  • To identify, contact, or take legal action against customers or third parties violating THE PETSHOP ’s Acceptable Use Policy, interfering with property rights or with the Service, or breaking the law.
  1. THE PETSHOP sometimes employs independent contractors to help run the Service, and such contractors may have access to data, similar to the access we give our employees. Also, THE PETSHOP  stores sales account data, including customer passwords and personally identifiable information, with a third party application service provider.

Data Protection

  1. THE PETSHOP takes precautions to ensure that access to databases containing customer information is available only from within THE PETSHOP ’s internal network or through our sales application service provider. Further, we typically encrypt financial information during transmission, or use secure protocols. No protocol, encryption, or other precaution can provide complete security for electronic data, so we don’t provide a guarantee of security.
  2. THE PETSHOP policy requires that all its employees execute a confidentiality agreement which includes the affirmation quoted above. Most contractors also sign a confidentiality agreement, with obligations similar to the employees’. (Customers and other third parties are not beneficiaries of the employee confidentiality agreement or of THE PETSHOP ’s agreements with independent contractors and so have no rights to enforce those contracts).

Changing Account Information
Customers can change their account information. All customers can access and change account information via the My Profile Page under the ''THE PETSHOP'' site.

Reporting Misuse of Data
Customers and other third parties should contact THE PETSHOP about any suspected misuse of their personally identifiable information or other data. All such inquiries or complaints should be directed to us via email to thepetshoplimassol@gmail.com

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   +357 99577348










Monday-Tuesday-Thursday  08:30am-19:00pm

Wednesday 08:30am-15:00pm

Saturday 08:30am-15:00pm

Sunday Closed 


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